Day 69: Would you like to help? 23 days to go!

Kat doodles about life and is asking for help (?):

Ok, where do I start with this? Perhaps saying that I do not like asking for help. I have always been taught to be independent and rather help others. There were times, when I desperately needed help, but still could not bring myself up to ask. So why now? I have discovered that if you do not tell to people how you are, what you do or simply that you need something, they will just assume you are fine. What I am trying to say is I am writing this blog- it’s called ‘My journey on becoming full-time designer’. I want to turn my four jobs into one and make just about enough living from it. I am doing this challenge, looking to becoming full-time employed or self-employed designer/artist in 92 days and I am asking for your help. You could say it is very ambitious, stupid, mad or even over-confident, but don’t we all have at least one mad dream? I have less than 30 days to go in my challenge and so far I hope you can tell I have been serious about this thing, committed and things are looking up. But could you help me in my journey? How? You are asking, well here is the list and I will leave it up to you. Even if it is that one little like or share to start with, I will appreciate it greatly. MASSIVE THANK YOU for reading and helping !!! Kat xx (Feel free to e-mail

  • Click that little button on my blog Follow.
  • Share my wordpress blog address on your Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, any social network.
  • Do you have any friends, who have just finished school/uni/left their jobs and do not know what to do with themselves or simply lost the passion for doing things? Tell them about my blog! They are not alone. It is perfectly fine to feel lost, so perhaps reading about my up and down journey will inspire them to do something amazing. And it will give you great feeling!
  • Like or share (or both) my Facebook Page: . In Photo Albums there are examples of my work. Feel free to click like any of those images.
  • Do you have any friends, relatives, people you know, who are interior designers, working on visual displays, theatre or exhibition spaces or anything to do with spatial 3D interior/exterior design/art industry? Can you tell them about me? Perhaps there is a way we could collaborate, swap skills or pass on the work. Do they live too far from Bristol in the UK? It does not matter. There is always that e-mail, Skype, social media etc.
  •  Do you have friends with special skills or blog you think, it would be amazing if more people know about? Get in touch via my e-mail and I will tag them in my ‘Kat recommends’ category.
  • I like to paint (from walls, to furniture, to paintings, to big mdf boards and canvases used as theatrical backdrops). I would like to start painting murals on the walls soon. I just simply like to make spaces look good.
  • I love decluttering. Give me a hoarder and I will be in seventh heaven. I have helped to my ex housemates, ex boyfriend and my boss to find clarity in their flats, wardrobes and sheds and they have been moving on with their lives ever since. My mother is super tidy and now has a cleaning business, so I guess that’s where it comes from me being the super organized freak, who can pack/unpack/organize in no time.
  • I like to cook. Actually I love to cook and I love to share the food with others and mainly I love to eat. I am known for my famous gulash parties, little decorated breads and potato salad. Everything else just comes up to my head and that includes cooking something out of nothing at 5am.
  • I like to talk and write. As you can tell. Mainly for fun. I work as an interpreter in Czech, Slovak and English language. I enjoy meeting other people, travel different countries and enjoy using the snippets of what I remember from learning German, French and Dutch in the past, when talking to others. I also have the same version of this blog in Czech language, at the moment neglected, perhaps any linguists around to help?

    And lastly I like to joke and have fun. Because without laughing in life we would not live for long or enjoy it to its maximum potential. My personal sarcasm and comments come out without a plan and sometimes may get me into trouble. Is it because I am just lost in translation and an explanation? I do not think so.

    So if you think, you can help me with any of these points or know anyone, who I could work with on any exciting project, I would be very delighted. If you know anyone, who can do with some helping, please do tell me about them too. You never know, who you stumble over mentioning something to someone in person or the social media. Thank you very much for reading and back soon. Kat (Feel free to e-mail

  • day11


Day 52: Liebster Award! 40 days to go!

Kat is honoured, gets arty and doodles about life:

Last night I decided to clean up little bit of my WordPress Dashboard and put the things into the right place. I got rid off the category Kat shows her work, since it only had 2 posts. Over the time, especially since starting the challenge, I have realized I talk too much about all this art or what is happening, it becomes more relevant for category Kat gets arty. Plus I finally got the hang of tagging other categories within the post. So I can keep calm, it is all making sense and it is organized! Ufff.

The other thing I added is new 92 days challenge as a category and in the last few nights I have been thinking what will happen after I get to the point of 92 days. Quite honestly I am actually really enjoying this and I feel like it is certainly pushing me forward, so I do not want to stop. Not even for a little holiday, because knowing myself, I won’t start again. So what I am going to do? I was thinking perhaps do one, which is year-long? I know you all love to read about my unconventional life right? But then what happens if I find that job and become full-time art person? What happens next if I cannot write about what happens at work, because of the confidentiality clause?  So I thought the other option is to keep my challenge sweet and short. By month. And by tasks. I could perhaps do month of scenic painting, month of model making, month of.. hmmm let me think.

The other issue about my blog is: What do I do with my Czech version? I have become so bad with my own native language, I should really go back to it. At the moment is has only few posts and I have properly neglected it. Shame on me. Unless there is enthusiastic linguist, who would love to take on the challenge and translate my 70 posts so far.  However being witty the same way as me. Now that is a challenge! Working on two blogs is quite hard work whilst everything else is going on in my life at the same time, so I will have to give it a bit of a thought.

Last but not least in this post is Liebster Award! How amazing! The very lovely learnermother has nominated me, because she thinks I’m pretty awesome. Eeeh or rather my writing is pretty awesome. “Kat, where is your modesty?” Alright, alright, I am just too excited someone actually likes my doodling.

Ok, call me a bit stupid, but I have answered the same questions as learnermother answered, so when I found the real questions, I realized I have to do it all over again…dddhhh obviously my brain is not on back on track yet. So I thought at least I keep this one, because it has some entertaining you tube videos.

5. What was or would be your first dance at your wedding?

I am really bad with dancing or any steps, so it would have to be one of these Greek type of songs I learnt and have not forgotten yet: Zorba’s Dance or if you see me later on with little more to drink I will be more in touch with my Central/Eastern European roots looking like these boys at 03:45 holding my hands and kicking my feet into the air. Although might prove a bit of a problem with a wedding dress.

So here are my answers to those real questions.

1. What tipped you over the edge from thinking ‘I’d like to blog’ to actually writing your first post?

My friends always tell me my life is so exciting and so unbelievable I should write all my stories down. So I did and it was very much like watching Sex and The City. However being a blog novice I struggled with how many people know me and how do I protect my privacy, so I stopped. Sometime after I revisited and decided I should rather write about my non existing art intentions instead, so there it was.

2. You could be anywhere, right now. Where? And why?

Currently it would be nice somewhere nice and warm, not too hot, not too cold, I have not had a holiday for a long time, so nice trip away with a friend would be very welcome.

3. Twitter. Love it or hate it?

I would not say hate it, but it is not my favourite.

4. What’s your favourite joke?

I make people laugh, because none of my jokes are funny, so they laugh at me. But if its has to be my favourite ones are the ones, which come out of my mouth in a spare of a moment. “My standards are so low, I can’t go any lower” (on looking for a boyfriend)

5. Are you a shouty stormer-outerer, or a silent sulker?

A bit of both, it depends on the situation.

6. What’s your absolute worst fear?

I am getting over the fear of driving, so the next fear would to be not being loved I guess.

7. How often you do you cry?

All the bloody time. Give me X factor audition, Notebook- the movie or too much wine and good looking man, and I will be weeping rivers.

8. Are you superstitious and if so in what way?

Nooo. It is all in your head. Stop it.

9. Which blog post are you most proud of?

I noticed in your cv that you don’t currently drive ,

Day 20: A place you call home. Crossing that nine year mark!72 days to go!

Day 30: No passion for fashion! 62 days to go! ,

So who I would like to nominate

Learner mother– Can we nominate someone back? If so I would do the same. Very witty, admirable lady with three children, two business, and one husband (he was my boss, so I guess that says it all, right?)… and she has always something on the go. She is just simply great. Definitely worth checking her blog. I do not know how she does it all.

Mason Bentley style– Well, well, well, what do I say. Very interesting lady, fashion blogger, great photographs, wit, blog party organizer, mum. She gives to fashion that rather more human look and I enjoy reading her post very much.

Fashion Mayann– I love, love, love her blog. Very artistic, very creative and very fun. She combines fashion with real life and her posts are about conceptual or realized designs of other designers. For me as theatre designer it is a joy for eyes, as the images she picks up are starting research point to my work.

Culture Monk– Alright I know I have talked about him so much, probably to the point of annoying now. If you like to know more read the post Day 51 or simply click on his blog to read. It is pretty good.

The crazy bag lady– Fab illustrator and a challenge lady. She has been pushed by a friend to get creative and her latest project was two hundred black and white illustrations of animals, objects and all sorts of other things. Her next? challenge is now to colour them and get them out there.

Project Pontcanna– My friend Mandi was illustrating her life around when living in Pontcanna in Cardiff. She is no longer living there, but I hope there might be a new project coming up based on where she lives now… 🙂

Spoonful of style- Another mum, who blogs, who is very stylish. Her posts are filled with glam, designer recommendations and trips out with children.

And here are my questions:

1. Who are your three favourite comedians and why?

2. What made you decide to be Kat’s follower or a friend?

3. What is your favourite book now and which one was it as a child?

4. The shoes to wear in Prague are..? Heels or flats? Do you have any connections to anything Czech?

5. How about everyday challenge, as Kat writes right now, would you go for that and what would you write about?

6. Do you have any regrets in life?

7. What is your next project? And did you start already?

Lots of love and looking forward to the answers, plus back tomorrow with the rest of you. Byyyyye Kat xx

Day 14: Week two review! 78 days to go!

Kat doodles about life:

Hello everybody, what an exciting day today! I am two weeks in and I cannot believe it myself. I have managed to do something productive every single day for the last two weeks and then having to write about it. Not something I would imagine of doing when running between shifts, going out few times during the week and even when feeling tired and admittedly a bit lazy. But even missing a day of writing although being productive, I managed to catch up, so we are on the right numbers and going strong. Today it is a quick review of what has been happening the last seven days and what I have been up to today:

  • On Tuesday I went to see Lanterns on the Lake playing in Rise record shop. Beautiful autumn matching sounds and voices. Just reminding, if you have not got anything else to do this Thursday in Bristol, they are playing in Thekla.

  • Updates from fellow challengers: Friend n.3 just started working, but he is taking time to think about what is the plan when learning the languages and I am staying tuned for more info. Friend n.5 messaged me today and so pleased to say she has not bought one magazine all week and opened up new savings account!!! How brilliant and massive well done lady! Just think you are suddenly lot closer to purchasing that car. Lastly I got a great text from new friend n.6. He decided after twenty years of doing so to quit smoking and started counting the days with me by picking the courage. Very pleased to hear from you guys, just take little step, one after another and you will be on fire before you even know it.
  • Talking about jam jar turned into a bee saving jar, I counted all the change and it turned out £33 pounds in there, going straight to do some more good in my bank account. I am making note of the day and see how long it will take me to fill it up again using the same change with anything from 1p to 50p.
  • I have also experienced this week embarrassing red turning moment,  when virtual world of blogging turned into the real one.
  • On the other hand there are some exciting art projects coming up, so let’s keep fingers crossed.
  • And keep them crossed all of YOU start to look around as my provisional driving licence arrived. That reminds me I need to book that first lesson. Now where is this Some Day/May be list?
  • Going all technical I have discovered and shared some WordPress Settings wonders and wisdom of Joe Seeber. Updating my post About Kat and linking all social media accounts together. Ended the week giving few tips on how I organize my e-mail account.

So yeah that was the last seven days, who would have thought you can fit so much into your free time, going out three times, and working, eating and doing all the needed activities to function. However I think this means catching up and staying in more in this week.

As it is Monday and Week two review, I went through my drawers and looked at all pieces of paper with all tasks of what to do. I have not done it fully, but I covered the important ones. It did feel amazing to get rid off all the pieces of paper of tasks achieved. I have few unavoidable appointments tomorrow in town, so I made shopping list for anything from food to electrical equipment and furniture I need to go and get, but will see what happens tomorrow and how the day goes. Shopping is not my favourite activity to do, so I hope to make it painless as possible with meeting a friend for a drink later on.

Apart from making lists of what to do tomorrow, I cleared few e-mails, joined the Headliner.Fm to promote my blog, although have not  had much time to look properly how it works yet with Karma cash. If anyone has an experience with it, feel free to share your thoughts. And lastly I was catching up with my guilty pleasure telly (I rather not share which one) whilst sticking images of nature, buildings and architecture into my new 3D spatial scrapbook. I will be posting some inspiration pictures, once that is done.

And finally I have now 17 blog followers, 8 Twitter followers, 16 Instagram followers and 90 Facebook Page Likes and more countless likes between all of them. Numbers are growing and Thank You for your support in sharing it with your friends and I hope you will continue to enjoy my challenge updates. With Love, Kat xx


Day 7: Week one review! 85 days to go!

Kat doodles about life:

7 days! Hellooo!  I am feeling very excited as I managed to not only do something creative every single day for the past seven days to get closer to my career, but I also managed to blog about it. What is rather more exciting, I feel a bit of a thrill from blogging and the adrenalin is high pushing me more thinking about ideas. I have now actually that many, I feel almost as 92 days may not be enough to write about all of them. And I know this must sound pretty hilarious. I have also noticed the speed I am writing these posts with. Depending on the subject, but it takes me somewhere between hour or two with the corrections and adding Instagram (katerinatdesigner) picture to make it look more exciting. I am also starting to feel that my written English is improving. Obviously long way to go, but I am working on it, so it is a progress. There is a Czech band called Mnaga & Zdorp and they sing this beautiful song that ‘even a journey can be finishing line’ (search for ‘I cesta muze byt cil‘).

In one week I have done and wrote about more things than I would imagine if I did not make so much fuss about it to the outside world. The push has certainly worked. I am fearing the moment when someone  will message me asking ‘Where is your daily post’? So far I covered topics from purpose of this blog to tips on how to organize yourself and get things done based on the advice given by David Allen. From the important theme of cv, different cv sites and useful feedback on mistakes in my own cv to joining Twitter (@katerinatdesign) in order to get more people to join my challenge, update me achieving their dreams and obviously making my point of looking for creative career more obvious. I started tackling my fear of driving and got myself to watch the theory dvd. Having a bit of emotional roller coaster from high to low, to high and low again I am finishing the week on high celebrating when getting to this point by inspiring people with scrapbook ideas in yesterday’s post and going to pass on another little paragraph from David’s book today. During the past 7 days I received some really wonderful supportive messages, had many new followers and even few people telling me what they would like to achieve. Although no one has confirmed officially what they will do or if they actually started. So come on people, take an example from me and get on with it! And trust me, you will feel great! Don’t be shy and e-mail me on

Since this post is about weekly review, David Allen is giving out these tips to do so:

  • Loose paper into basket.- Get a basket or a box and fill it up with anything you feel you need to deal with. From receipts, postcards, objects, your diary ,pieces of paper, notepads, drawings etc. Absolutely anything. If it doesn’t fit inside, describe bit on a piece of paper. Go around the house and do it with every room(for example decorating the room, fixing broken light in the hallway). Like this you will end up with clearer space to work on and all your things to do in one box.
  • Process data.- Go though the box and use simple diagram technique I have posted in Day 1 post.  Do I need this, if no, Trash it. If Yes, do I need to make some kind of action with it? If not file it into review or read, if so and it takes less than two minutes, do it. If longer divide it- put into to pile Next Action, Waiting for (e-mail reply, buying certain equipment or something else to happen in order to do it, last pile is future someday/may be things to do)
  • Previous data from calendar review.- Fairly straight forward, look at what have you done this week or add tasks or things to relevant pile.
  • Upcoming calendar.- the same again, but this coming week or possibly a month if needed.
  • Empty your head.- Do you need to pop in to see your friend or send timesheet in, write it down. There is a very high chance it may disappear from your head and you will totally forget it.
  • Review projects (and larger outcome).- Look at projects  you are working on and want to work on and don’t leave until you write a note of what is the next task on it. Do you need to call Pete to start organizing event in order to promote your products, either call him now or put it on the list of calls. You won’t move on with a project until you establish what is the next step.
  • Review next Action Plan list.- Go through the pile of tasks which make take longer than two minutes and do as described within the point above.
  • Review Waiting for.- Waiting for phone call (were you expecting one, did the person forget), has your order arrived yet, so you can get on with things etc.
  • Review any relevant check list.- I hope that speaks for itself.
  • Review Someday/May be.- You would like to learn French, take an exam, learn how to drive, plan trip around the world. Think what is the next step to make it happen. Do you need to start researching language schools online, start saving etc.?!
  • Review Reading& Support files- Go through magazines or leaflets or anything you collect over the time, if you find something interesting to read, tear the pages out and put in pile of reading, which you can do before going to bed, or keep it together and just highlight pages it with sticky post it notes.
  • Be creative and courageous.- 😀

Advice points above taken from the book of David Allen: Getting Things Done and explained by me.

Have a lovely day, take care and don’t forget to update me on your progress. With love, back tomorrow. Kat xx


Day 4: Joining Twitter! 88 days to go!

Kat doodles about life:

So today it is going to be a quick post, as it is Friday and I only just got back this afternoon from night out watching Driving Test Success DVD. I am seriously not joking. And it was rather successful, if anyone wants to know.. For the first time ever I have to say, it really helped that someone else motivated me during this challenge. Someone who I normally have to motivate and give him a kick to do things. Obviously not too literally.  I was forced to watch and practice the whole dvd! That included 3 sets of 50 test questions, 10 hazard spotting videos, 13 questions of Show Me, Tell Me and way too many of Highway Code questions. Well exhausted afterwards ,but pleased to tell you I have passed all three tests with scores 44, 47, 46 points out of 50.  But I did obviously discuss lot of the questions with my helper and had to have it explained. Overall it was not as difficult as I thought it is going to be. Unless I was just lucky to get all the easy questions. It might be combination of cycling, common sense and luck, that I came with the right answers. Now I can happily sit down, start reading through the theory and practice on my own.   As soon as I get my provisional licence back, I can understand what is this steering, breaking, lights in a fog and different gears kind of questions all about in real life.  So thank you everyone for the support, especially Mr. Helper last night, I am getting there.

Regarding my post yesterday, there is a new e-mail in my account from CV Site about general help on cv. I will share it, when I get to write another post on changing my cv again. I am reminding to everyone if they think they have the perfect cv and would like to share it with everybody or tips on how to write it, feel free to send it to or if you know anyone, who would like to join the challenge and achieve their dreams in 92 days. Apart from that I also managed to get some changes done to my e-mail account like updating addresess and changing few folders. As seen on the picture in my post on Day 1, both ‘E-mail account’ and ‘Email to:’ boxes are empty with only one task to do. So pretty cool going.

Lastly- I have joined Twitter. I have been avoiding to do so for a long time as I never really liked the idea of spending more time on social media and did not quite get those weird looking links flowing around the world wide web. However since I am writing and working on this challenge, I thought I will give it a go. Surely it cannot hurt and I can always cancel it. So if anyone fancies following me there or giving me tips on how to use it properly, feel free to find me as @katerinatdesign and you should see my first tweet linking Day1 here on WordPress. Since we are helping and supporting each other to find jobs, stop smoking, loose weight, save for exciting trips or as certain someone mentioned to me  find half an hour of indulgence every day, let’s do everything what we possibly can to go us there.

Have a lovely Friday evening. Back tomorrow Kat xx

day 4