Day 69: Would you like to help? 23 days to go!

Kat doodles about life and is asking for help (?):

Ok, where do I start with this? Perhaps saying that I do not like asking for help. I have always been taught to be independent and rather help others. There were times, when I desperately needed help, but still could not bring myself up to ask. So why now? I have discovered that if you do not tell to people how you are, what you do or simply that you need something, they will just assume you are fine. What I am trying to say is I am writing this blog- it’s called ‘My journey on becoming full-time designer’. I want to turn my four jobs into one and make just about enough living from it. I am doing this challenge, looking to becoming full-time employed or self-employed designer/artist in 92 days and I am asking for your help. You could say it is very ambitious, stupid, mad or even over-confident, but don’t we all have at least one mad dream? I have less than 30 days to go in my challenge and so far I hope you can tell I have been serious about this thing, committed and things are looking up. But could you help me in my journey? How? You are asking, well here is the list and I will leave it up to you. Even if it is that one little like or share to start with, I will appreciate it greatly. MASSIVE THANK YOU for reading and helping !!! Kat xx (Feel free to e-mail

  • Click that little button on my blog Follow.
  • Share my wordpress blog address on your Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, any social network.
  • Do you have any friends, who have just finished school/uni/left their jobs and do not know what to do with themselves or simply lost the passion for doing things? Tell them about my blog! They are not alone. It is perfectly fine to feel lost, so perhaps reading about my up and down journey will inspire them to do something amazing. And it will give you great feeling!
  • Like or share (or both) my Facebook Page: . In Photo Albums there are examples of my work. Feel free to click like any of those images.
  • Do you have any friends, relatives, people you know, who are interior designers, working on visual displays, theatre or exhibition spaces or anything to do with spatial 3D interior/exterior design/art industry? Can you tell them about me? Perhaps there is a way we could collaborate, swap skills or pass on the work. Do they live too far from Bristol in the UK? It does not matter. There is always that e-mail, Skype, social media etc.
  •  Do you have friends with special skills or blog you think, it would be amazing if more people know about? Get in touch via my e-mail and I will tag them in my ‘Kat recommends’ category.
  • I like to paint (from walls, to furniture, to paintings, to big mdf boards and canvases used as theatrical backdrops). I would like to start painting murals on the walls soon. I just simply like to make spaces look good.
  • I love decluttering. Give me a hoarder and I will be in seventh heaven. I have helped to my ex housemates, ex boyfriend and my boss to find clarity in their flats, wardrobes and sheds and they have been moving on with their lives ever since. My mother is super tidy and now has a cleaning business, so I guess that’s where it comes from me being the super organized freak, who can pack/unpack/organize in no time.
  • I like to cook. Actually I love to cook and I love to share the food with others and mainly I love to eat. I am known for my famous gulash parties, little decorated breads and potato salad. Everything else just comes up to my head and that includes cooking something out of nothing at 5am.
  • I like to talk and write. As you can tell. Mainly for fun. I work as an interpreter in Czech, Slovak and English language. I enjoy meeting other people, travel different countries and enjoy using the snippets of what I remember from learning German, French and Dutch in the past, when talking to others. I also have the same version of this blog in Czech language, at the moment neglected, perhaps any linguists around to help?

    And lastly I like to joke and have fun. Because without laughing in life we would not live for long or enjoy it to its maximum potential. My personal sarcasm and comments come out without a plan and sometimes may get me into trouble. Is it because I am just lost in translation and an explanation? I do not think so.

    So if you think, you can help me with any of these points or know anyone, who I could work with on any exciting project, I would be very delighted. If you know anyone, who can do with some helping, please do tell me about them too. You never know, who you stumble over mentioning something to someone in person or the social media. Thank you very much for reading and back soon. Kat (Feel free to e-mail

  • day11


Day 31: Costume store organizing, start on a paint job! 61 days to go!

Kat doodles about life and getting organized:

Here are some before and after doing some tidy up in costume store. I hope you can spot the difference. I have also done some priming of two  big signs, but they will be in next post. I guess I will give a little preview how theatre show happens.

costumes 1 costumes 2 mess1 mess2

Back tomorrow. I am off to work. Kat xx

My Life Is Far Too Exciting!

Kat doodles about life:

Hello guys!

Thank You so much for all your support, liking, following and everything else You have done for me recently. I appreciate all the attention coming from all around the world!!! So now back to business. I know you have probably wondered, where I have gone, but believe me although I was, still am, very busy with making pots and pans clean and shiny, I did not forget. I have been thinking about the blog at all the times. Even when I walk to work every morning through Whiteladies Road here in Bristol! There are so many  amazing designer (mainly interior design and furniture) shops and I am thinking I have to tell you more!!! Now I have been making notes about little topics and articles I want to write about, so brace yourself and expect very soon me going on about these and many more subjects:

1. Young lady called Baduade. I came across her drawing as a feature in The Times newspaper. I will be posting more straight after this post.

2. I am learning French again. Well attempting! My beautiful French teacher Camille has got a lot of patience and I am introducing her to beauties of English language and magic of “being British”.

3. Newspaper Metro had recently very interesting article about Job Hunt Roulette by John Lees. So definitely one to follow for all of You looking for a job.

4. What else can be Ikea tape measure used for? (I know this not the answer, but did you get Your new Ikea catalogue through the door yet?…Ooooh I know what are You thinking:-)Better hide that debit card!

5. I have been thinking about this for years: People, who design dishwashers, have never been kitchen porters before! Otherwise….

6. Bookcases. I will be exploring this more as mine is overflowing. And whenever someone says bookcase I always think of my best friend Jan Sipek and his beautiful wall covered with books and simple wooden shelves. I will do my best to get a picture for You to see.

7. Mathmos lamp.  Magical geeky lamp. To me this is a symbol of a Czech film Samotari (Loners). I watch it everytime I feel homesick.

8. Sizes of rooms. How do we perceive them? Where is the door?  Can the double bed fit in it? Does it fit only in one corner? Do we look for the rooms with high ceilings or cosy little rooms with angled roof. I have been recently visiting few houses and it got me thinking. Size versus purpose of the room.

9. My friend’s blog- it is so cool! His actual nickname is a Good and he blogs in Czech, but definitely makes my days better. Once You find a good online translator, you will never want to stop reading his blog.

10. I got myself a design project!!! Redesigning a pad of two bachelors including sorting a lot of hoard. All of  You who know me, you can  imagine how excited how I am.

11. I am planning on posting few pictures from my garden. Otherwise getting ready for the autumn. Slugs definitely won this season!

12. I am obsessed with storage boxes and storage solutions, so there will be more of that coming up.

13. Ikea-once again. They have fantastic blog called Ikea Live.

14. This wonderful lady Michelle, who I admire very much, has been going  on about Coworking in Cardiff for the last few months and now finally something is happening. She has one husband, two businesses to take care of  and three awesome children, who I had the chance to babysit good few times. I don’t how she does it, but let me tell You, she is one to watch!

15. I passed Certificate of Proficiency in English! After eight years of waiting and trying to gain the confidence, here it is. Confirmed by Cambridge!

16. Start to my part-time course Designing for Interiors at City Bristol of College is in less than two weeks. I am sooo excited! Unbelievable!

That’s it for now! Now you cannot tell me I have not been thinking of YOU! Lots of love from Kat xxx