Day 76: Handmade Christmas and PF cards! 16 days to go!

Kat doodles about life and gets arty:

Today’s post will be simply more about pictures than me mumbling on about other things. I ended up in bed sometimes around 6 am after one very busy night at work, slept most of today, then helped with a bit of DIY scraping and after I was catching up the finals of XFactor. Feel free to judge me, yes, I do watch this show.

So it is time to think about the this year’s PF  card for everybody. Since moving furniture around my collection of letters and cards I loved the most and meant something to me from others was pretty much on hand, so I thought I will have a look if there is a perhaps inspiration for this year. Feel free to add pictures of other handmade Christmas cards into comments! Back tomorrow. Kat xx

Here are some of mine:






And here are some of others:



